Route Planning

The Bernard Johnson Group, inc.’s Route Planning process seeks improved coordination between land use and utility system and/or transportation system planning; providing cooperative interaction between planning, design, and operation of the utility or transportation services; maintaining a balance between public and private energy use, clean air and water, and encouraging alternative modes of environmentally friendly energy and transportation that will enhance efficiency while providing high levels of environmentally sustainable services and safety.

Route Planning is the confluence of many different disciplines coming together in the first stages of the development of plans, policies and legislative activities & funding, marking the initiation of project activity. Route/Corridor Planning is defined as “a collaborative and participatory process involving agencies, organizations and the public in a comprehensive look at national, state, regional and/or community needs.” It often examines demographic characteristics and land use patterns for a given area, shows how these characteristics may change over a given period of time and evaluates alternative routes & strategies, and/or improvements for a given route or corridor

As part of The Bernard Johnson Group, inc.’s efforts toward conscientious route planning, our process is inclusive of all stake holders and affected parties from the onset of route planning activities. By involving all the affected parties, seeking feedback and comment, the process facilitates a timely completion, helps avoid litigation and makes for a more economical and efficient route/project implementation.

In addition to achieving an economical route planning solution, other key objectives in route planning often include the following:

  • Identifying a set of strategies to maintain and enhance appearance, access, mobility, safety, economic development, and environmental quality along the corridor.
  • Providing land use guidance in order to manage growth and development and redevelopment along the planned Corridor.
  • Fostering intergovernmental cooperation between all affected and involved agencies and departments by bringing them together to address common planning and development issues.
  • Designating existing historic and natural assets, including the Corridor view sheds, and coordinating their enhancement.
  • Addressing routing issues that may arise from changes in land use for the chosen route/corridor.
  • Identifying potential opportunity sites; and building consensus on a vision for land use and design concepts for proposed development areas related to the Urban Service Area boundary.
  • Examining the potential for and suitability of development in the chosen route/corridor, including the need for access improvements, infrastructure extensions, commercial nodes, industrial land uses, economic opportunities, land use regulations, and design guidelines.

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