Project Portfolio
No. California High Speed Rail Authority Project – Bakersfield to Maderas (California 153 miles) Central Valley Rail system
Description: High speed rail will connect Los Angeles with San Francisco at speeds up to 220 miles per hour (350 km/h), providing a “one-seat ride” for the trip in 2 hours and 40 minutes for the non-stop trip. The system is required to operate without a subsidy, and to connect the state’s major cities in the Bay Area, Central Valley, and Southern California. In Phase 2, which has no timetable yet, the routes will be extended in the Central Valley north to Sacramento and south from Los Angeles to San Diego via the Inland Empire.
Contract Amount: Approximately $2.5 Million
Time Period: 2014-2019
Project Methods, Approach and Controls: As part of a strategic format, our political issues, regulatory issue, property issues and concerns (public affairs), especially working to overcome the obstacles with environmental friendly groups’ concerns. In reaching success by overcoming many of these issues, our project management staff had to establish sound quality control measures that separated each issue and develop concerted strategies to deal with the root cause of each concern, in order to respond in a timely manner in providing answers to the public and to client based upon operational standpoints. As an example, there existed a lot of apathy and negative public opinion about the need for the rail system. These concerns involved many of the farmers, environmental and nay-sayer groups. Project staff along with the CHSRA staffing worked closely to help minimize and mitigate the alleged bureaucratic and unfair property taking, and pricing of property values. This strategy also assisted in curtailing the lack of trust from the general public, due to the anticipated development of the entire project within their backyards. As a result of excellent quality control measures, these issues have not prohibited steady progress in the acquisition process.
Federal Aid Project No. HSIP -1518(5), Vance County
Description: Vance County N.C. Hwy. Project W-5515 (Fed. ID # HSIP-1518(5)) – A 4.788-mile project located on SR 1518 (Stewart Farm Road and Newton Dairy Road) from Henderson City Limits to SR 1515 (S. Cokesbury Road). Improvements currently planned for the project include the construction of roadside paved shoulders as well as grading, drainage, paving, and pavement marking.
Details: 28 parcels, property rights acquired include public and private residential, commercial and industrial.
Contract Amount: $180,000
Time Period: 08/2013 – 12/2014
Project Methods, Approach and Controls: As part of a strategic format, our political issues, regulatory issue, property issues and concerns (public affairs), especially working to overcome the obstacles with environmental friendly groups’ concerns. In reaching success by overcoming many of these issues, our project management staff had to establish sound quality control measures that separated each issue and develop concerted strategies to deal with the root cause of each concern, in order to respond in a timely manner in providing answers to the public and to client based upon operational standpoints. As an example, there existed a lot of apathy and negative public opinion about the need for the rail system. These concerns involved many of the farmers, environmental and nay-sayer groups. Project staff along with the CHSRA staffing worked closely to help minimize and mitigate the alleged bureaucratic and unfair property taking, and pricing of property values. This strategy also assisted in curtailing the lack of trust from the general public, due to the anticipated development of the entire project within their backyards. As a result of excellent quality control measures, these issues have not prohibited steady progress in the acquisition process.
TIP No. R2514 C, HWY 17, Jones County
Description: Widen freeway lanes from North of Maysville to South of NC58.
Details: Property rights acquired include public and private residential, commercial and industrial.
Contract Amount: $750,000
Time Period: 08/2013 – 12/2014
Project Methods, Approach and Controls: Our project management conducted monthly meetings with all staff and client management staff to overcome issues involving the project schedule, property value issues, title and ownership issues, and various relocation situations, including numerous septic tank issues resulting from public takes leading to remainder parcels. Through our project management focus on researching and providing necessary resources with specific “issue related” information to each owner, our “on the ground” message remained consistent with the pre-acquisition information provided directly by the client to each project stakeholder. This effort assisted in resolving both individual as well as community concerns and led to a transparent acquisition process that successfully met the needs and concerns of affected stakeholders.
TIP No. I-3803B, I-85, Cabarrus County
Description: Provide an eight-lane divided facility from south of Bruton Smith Boulevard / Concord Mills Boulevard (SR 2894) to NC 73 (Davidson Highway) in Cabarrus County. The project widened approximately 6.8 miles of I-85, including interchange modifications. The project’s primary purpose was to provide relief from present and future congestion and provide a higher level of efficiency on I-85.
Details: Property rights acquired include public and private residential, commercial and industrial.
Contract Amount: Between $250,000 – $1.25 Million
Time Period: 2012 – 2013
TIP No. R-2632AA, NC 73, Mecklenburg County
Description: This project is necessary to widen N.C. 73 from two lanes to four lanes with center turn lanes from west if U.S. 21 to east of N.C. 115. Also, a quadrant left will be placed at the intersection of N.C. 73 and N.C. 21.
Details: Property rights acquired include public and private residential, commercial and industrial.
Contract Amount: Between $250,000 – $1.25 Million
Completed: Dec. 2011
TIP No. U-4763B, Triangle Parkway, Durham/Wake Counties
Description: A portion of the Triangle Expressway referred to as the Triangle Parkway, extends from NC 540 to I-40, a distance of approximately 4.2 miles. The proposed roadway consists of a new six-lane divided toll facility with a 46-foot median located within Wake and Durham Counties.
Details: Property rights acquired include public and private residential, commercial and industrial.
Contract Amount: Between $250,000 – $1.25 Million
Time Period: 2010 – 2012
TIP No. R-2635C, I-540, Western Wake Expwy, Wake County
Description: A portion of the Triangle Expressway referred to as the Triangle Parkway, extends from NC 540 to I-40, a distance of approximately 4.2 miles. The proposed roadway consists of a new six-lane divided toll facility with a 46-foot median located within Wake and Durham Counties.
Details: Property rights acquired include public and private residential, commercial and industrial.
Contract Amount: Between $250,000 – $1.25 Million
Time Period: 2010 – 2011
TIP No. R-3329, R-2559 Monroe Bypass, Mecklenburg and Union Counties
Description: 190 Parcels. Valuation for a proposed 19.7 mile new toll roadway, located from the interchange of US-74 and I-485 in Mecklenburg County to US-74 in Union County, NC. Valuation for Carolina Land Acquisitions.
Details: Property rights acquired include public and private residential, commercial and industrial.
Contract Amount: Between $300,000 – $1 Million
TIP No. TE-4901 LYNX Blue Line Extension Project, Mecklenburg County
Description: 221 parcels, approximately 9.4 miles, proposed light rail alignment utilizing existing railroad right-of-way for four miles, extending from Uptown to UNC Charlotte campus. Valuation for the City of Charlotte.
Details: Property rights acquired include public and private residential, commercial and industrial.
Project Owner: John Scott, Jr., Integra Realty, (704) 376-0295 FREE, [email protected], 214 West Tremont Avenue, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28203
Contract Amount: Between $300,000 – $1 Million
TIP No. R-2632AA Highway 73/Sam Furr Road, Mecklenburg County
Description: A road widening project impacting 100+ parcels, from west of US -21 to east of NC-115, grading, paving, and retaining walls, located in Huntersville, NC. Valuation for the Carolina Land Acquisitions.
Details: Property rights acquired include public and private residential, commercial and industrial.
Project Owner: John Scott, Jr., Integra Realty, (704) 376-0295 FREE, [email protected], 214 West Tremont Avenue, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28203
Contract Amount: Between $300,000 – $1 Million
220KV System Upgrade Project – Riverside, CA
Client: City of Riverside, CA
Completed: 2008
Project Value: $20+ M (Est.) – Services Value: $2.4 M
Project Objective: To obtain Land Rights for the design and construction of a new electric 220kv/66 substation, modifications to several existing substations and construction and re-construction of new 220 and 66kv electric transmission lines.
Project Services: Project management, route and site studies, public meetings, land ownership, survey and access permissions, special use permits, right of way acquisition, condemnation support, construction storage areas, county, state and local crossing permits.
Right-of Way Services – Anaheim, CA
Client: City of Anaheim, CA
Completed: 2005 – 2008
Project Value: Open $400K max/assignment – Services Value: Unknown
Project Objective: To provide Land Rights Acquisition and Land Survey services for a variety of base load project work in support of City of Anaheim Engineering and Land Staff. Work will be performed under contract with Phazer Electric, Inc. (SBE).
Project Services: Project land management, route and site studies, public meetings, land ownership, survey and access permissions, special use permits, right of way acquisition, condemnation support, construction storage areas, county, state and local crossing permits.
Valley Rainbow Interconnect – CA
Client: Sempra Energy Utilities, San Diego, CA.
Completed: 2004
Project Value: $20 M – Services Value: $2 M
Project Objective: To obtain land rights and permits to construct 62 miles of 230-345kv electric transmission line over private lands and obtain fee ownership of switchyard site.
Project Services: Project management, route and site studies, public meetings, land ownership, survey and access permissions, special use permits, right of way acquisition, condemnation support, construction storage areas, county, state and local crossing permits
12 Mile 245KV Electric Transmission Line – CA
Client: Pacific Gas & Electric, Bakersfield, CA
Completed: 2003
Project Value: $10 M – Services Value: $300 K
Project Objective: Acquisition services for 245 KV electric transmission lines in California.
Project Services: Verify land ownership and surface management agencies for the acquisition of fee and state easements and road right of way use permits.
230 KV Electric Transmission Line – Victorville, CA
Client: Constellation Power Development Company, Inc.
Completed: 2000
Project Value: $10 M – Services Value: $200 K
Project Objective: Construct an 8 mile 230kv electric transmission line from a new 744 megawatt power plant to an existing electric switch station.
Project Services: Project management, engineering design, right of way acquisition, construction monitoring and environmental permitting for the electric transmission line and cooling water lines.
Natural Gas Transmission System – OR, NV, CA
Client: Tuscarora Gas Pipeline Company
Completed: 2001
Project Value: $200 M – Services Value: $4.5 M
Project Objective: Construction of 24”-250 mile pipeline through Oregon, Nevada and California
Project Services: Project management, route feasibility and design, preliminary BLM, state, federal county and local permitting, environmental review and coordination, fee ROW acquisition.
Natural Gas Transmission System – Victorville, CA
Client: Southwest Gas Corporation
Completed: 1999
Project Value: $23 M – Services Value: $1.4 M
Project Objective: Construct new natural gas transmission system from three natural gas transmission pipelines to a new grass roots power plant.
Project Services: Project management, economic evaluation, environmental permitting, ROW and permit acquisition, engineering design for 38 miles of new 30” ad 24” pipeline, three taps, metering, pressure regulation and a compressor station.
Flow Reversal Design, 623 Mile Pipeline – Long Beach, CA. to Red Mesa, UT
Client: Four Corners Pipeline Company
Completed: 1982
Project Value: $12 M – Services Value: $2.5 M
Project Objective: To reverse flow in an existing 16 inch pipeline to move surplus Alaskan crude oil to Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries from the West Coast.
Project Services: Flow reversal and hydrostatic testing of an existing 623 mile, 16 inch pipeline system, including design and construction supervision for six new pump stations and a new supervisory control system for the entire automated pipeline.
Gas Compressor Facilities – Portland, OR
Client: Portland General Electric Co.
Completed: 2005
Project Value: $3 M – Services Value: $50K
Project Objective: Provide FERC Certificate filing and Project Management associated with developing the grass roots, 190 MMSCFD, Lexington Gas Compressor Station. This project involves development of detailed engineering, procurement and installation of 5,000 hp of reciprocating electric compression.
Project Services: Project management, economic evaluation, supervision for detailed engineering design and construction support for the project.
Gas Compression Facilities – CO
Client: EnCana Oil and Gas Company
Completed: 2003
Project Value: $1.7 M – Services Value: $220K
Project Objective: Provide project management associated with developing the grass roots, 100 MMSCFD, Pumba Gas Compressor Station and dehydration facility. This project involved development of detailed engineering, procurement and installation of a CAT-3608 and three (3) CAT 3616 reciprocating, integral compressors (14,500 hp) along with dehydration equipment near Rifle, CO.
Project Services: Project management, economic evaluation, supervision of detailed engineering design, and construction support of the project.
Gas Compression Facilities – CO
Client: EnCana Oil and Gas Company
Completed: 2003
Project Value: $1.5 M – Services Value: $210K
Project Objective: Provide project management associated with developing the grass roots, 80 MMSCFD, Hunter Mesa Gas Compressor Station and dehydration facility. This project involved development of detailed engineering, procurement and installation of four (4) CAT-3612 reciprocating, integral compressors (12,600 hp) along with dehydration equipment near Rifle, CO.
Project Services: Project management, economic evaluation, supervision of detailed engineering design, and construction support of the project.
22 Mile 500 KV Electric Transmission Line – AZ
Client: Harquahala Power, Phoenix, AZ
Completed: 2003
Project Value: $25 M – Services Value: $400K
Project Objective: Provide land services for the construction of 500 KV electric transmission line.
Project Services: Review existing land rights for sufficiency, obtain necessary road and railroad crossing permits, update land ownership, compile database, notify land owners, obtain temporary access rights, pull site easements, materials storage and work area leases and obtain corrective easements.
Miles 245 KV Electric Transmission Line – OR
Client: Pacific Gas & Electric, Hermiston, OR
Completed: 2003
Project Value: $30 M – Services Value: $275K
Project Objective: Provide land acquisition services for the construction of a 245 KV electric transmission line
Project Services: Review existing land rights for sufficiency, update land ownership, compile database, notify landowners, obtain temporary access rights, pull site easements, material storage and work area leases and obtain corrective easements.
Electric Distribution System Expansion – CO
Client: Public Service Company of Colorado
Completed: 2001
Project Value: $60 M – Services Value: $150K
Project Objective: Provide land rights acquisition for numerous overhead and underground electric distribution system expansions to serve residential and commercial customers in mountainous areas of Gilpin, Clear Creek, Garfield, Jefferson and boulder Counties.
Project Services: Verify land ownership and surface management agencies for the acquisition of fee and state easements, road right of way use permits, and BLM and Forest Service Special Use Permits.
230 / 345KV Electric Transmission Line and Switchyard – Weld Co., CO
Client: Public Service Co. of Colorado
Completed: 1999
Project Value: $35 M – Services Value: $500K
Project Objective: To obtain land rights and permits to construct 54 miles of 230-345 kv electric transmission lines over private lands and obtain fee ownership of the switchyard site.
Project Services: Project management, route and site studies, public meetings, land ownership, survey and access permissions, special use permits, right of way acquisition, condemnation support, construction storage areas, county, state and local crossing permits.
230 KV Electric Transmission Line Reconstruction – Morgan Co., CO
Client: Public Service Co. of Colorado
Completed: 1998
Project Value: $5 M – Services Value: $40K
Project Objective: Provide land services for the reconstruction of a 230 kv electric transmission line
Project Services: Review existing land rights for sufficiency, obtain necessary rand and railroad crossing permits, update land ownership, compile database, notify landowners, obtain temporary access rights, pull site easements, materials storage and work area leases and obtain corrective easements.
Alturas 345 KV Power Line – Reno, NV
Client: Sierra Pacific Power Company, Reno, Nevada
Completed: 1997
Project Value: $60 M – Services Value: $3 M
Project Objective: Acquisition services for 345kv, 180 mile electric transmission line in California and Nevada
Project Services: Verify land ownership and surface management agencies for the acquisition of fee and state easements, road rights of way, use permits and BLM and Forest Service Special Use Permits.
Gas Gathering System Design – Raton Basin, CO
Client: El Paso Energy
Completed: 2002
Project Value: $52 K – Services Value: $52 K
Project Objective: 250 miles of 3” through 16” diameter gas gathering system design, layout and modeling
Project Services: Pipeline layout, design and modeling 24”
Gas Distribution Pipeline System – Portland, OR
Client: Northwest Natural, Portland, OR
Completed: Current
Project Value: $105 M – Services Value: $6.5 M
Project Objective: NW Natural, the gas distribution company serving the City of Portland installing a 64 mile 24” natural gas distribution pipeline on the west and south sides of Portland. The route covers environmentally sensitive areas, expensive croplands, nurseries and vineyards. Over 600 individual landowner tracts of property are affected
Project Services: Managed the environmental contractor in the development of all field surveys and reports for submittal to the governing entities. Managed three civil survey firms in the staking of the pipeline and to develop property owner plats and construction alignment drawings. Opened field office and supplies over 10 ROW professionals for environmental support, title research, ROW negotiations, acquisition and condemnation and damage settlement claims. Provided construction drawings including alignment and HDD bore design drawings.
Natural Gas Gathering System & compressor Addition – Rangley, CO
Client: El Paso Field Services
Completed: 2000
Project Value: $1.25 M – Services Value: $180K
Project Objective: Increase capacity of an existing field gathering system by adding pipeline loops and connecting new well flow lines. Additionally, project included addition of a 3,000 hp compressor to and existing compressor facility with all associated connections and tie-ins and evaluation of the power generating system.
Project Services: Project management, engineering and design, material requisitions, equipment and field design assistance.
Natural Gas Liquids Pipeline System, Prairie Mountain Pipeline – CO. to KS
Client: Mid-American Pipeline Company & Amoco Pipeline Company
Completed: 1998
Project Value: $110 M – Services Value: $1.75 M
Project Objective: Construct a 385 miles 10” pipeline to loop to and existing 6” pipeline to transport 60,000 bpd LNG from north central Colorado to eastern Kansas.
Project Services: Engineering design, permitting, and ROW acquisition for the construction of a 385 mile LNG pipeline. System design, including four 1200 hp pump stations and two metering facilities. Project Management – Economic Studies – Engineering & Design – Field Surveying – Permitting & Mapping – Material and Construction Specs
Crude Oil Pipeline System, Antelope Valley – WY to CO
Client: Chevron Pipeline Company
Completed: 1998
Project Value: $85 M – Services Value: $1.6M
Project Objective: Construct new 310 mile, 12” pipeline from east central Wyoming to northwestern Colorado and to modify and existing 185 mile pipeline system from northwest Colorado to northeast Utah to move 85,000 bpd of crude oil.
Project Services: Project management, engineering design, environmental planning, ROW acquisition and construction management services for the construction of 310 miles of 12 inch pipeline, four new pump stations, metering facilities and modifications to four existing pump stations on and existing pipeline.